Friday, September 14, 2007

The Washer is Dead

Our washing machine has finally died and I am so grateful. The pounding it has been giving my ears these past few months has thankfully ended. The new one is installed and working grandly! It's actually quiet and lovely!

Besides that, school has been keeping me crazy busy. I have no time anymore, which is why this will be incredibly short. I'm taking a full load: Spanish, Microbiology lab, Physiology lab, Biology, and Gerontology (that one is online). I enjoy school, but I forgot how much homework there is. Throw a Guards weekend onto the week, such as this past one, and I'm wiped out. I can truly say I am glad to be home again.

Now... time to get back to the books.

Oh, and guess what! So exciting! I'm being promoted to Sergeant (E-5) next month. Woo Hoo! I'm so happy.

Take care and have a great week!


OneHungMan said... that the study of old farts?

Unknown said...

No, it's the Study of Geronimo's ancestors.

Crazy Me said...

I don't think I could ever go back to school after talking to you. It sounds exhausting.