Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Spitting Seeds

The other night Barry, Kianna, and I went out to the lake for a few minutes before the sun set and we decided to have a poetry writing contest. Theirs were much better than mine, but I'd have to say I get first place for the corniest! Wanna hear?

Seeds make me happy

When I'm sitting in the sand

If I'm feeling kind of crappy

I just spit them in my hand.

Pretty bad, I know. I didn't say it was my strong point. ;) Okay, well I'm sitting here alone right now, and I have to say it seems a bit odd. It's usually the other way around: me leaving for Guard Drills, school, Basic Training, skydiving, etc. Barry and Kianna left tonight to go white water rafting in Colorado - Lucky Ducks! And Kat doesn't get home from this last camp 'til tomorrow. So, it's just me. Bored................. Sigh. I should go to bed.


nanrasor said...

You are a giant goofball! You win the goofiest poem contest. Wish everyone in my family would go camping and I would have the house to myself. I would watch a movie and eat toast for dinner! May do that anyway...

willotoons said...

hehee. that's so cute!

hope you can keep up with your blog while you're away! love & miss you! xo

Crazy Me said...

I have to say that I laughed out loud when I read this. Too funny!