There is so much going on this season. It never seems to slow down. But for the first time ever, I have the tree up, the presents all wrapped (I'm usually wrapping Christmas Eve), and I'm kind of enjoying myself. My classes are all finished. I don't have the final word, but I think I got all A's. Woo Hoo! No classes now until mid-January, so I'm hoping to catch up on my blogging efforts.
My birthday was great. I had Guards that weekend, but made it home in time for a great supper and cake, planned and created by Kianna and Katlin - sweeties! Katlin made a beautiful cake. The girls gave me jewelry. The planned a great supper and even did the shopping, which is probably why I got food poisoning. I'm not even kidding. Apparently, the potato salad was outdated, as I was sick on the floor half the night in the bathroom. That's what I'm blaming it on anyway. (We found the outdated label in the trash.) Barry was kind enough to bring me a blanket. But the kindest thoughts were there, and I feel loved in spite of their attempts to kill me off. j/j...
The girls are finished with basketball season. They had a lot of fun and did very well. I only made it to 7 games total. School does keep a person busy. I think they are looking forward to a break, too. I actually even got Christmas cards out this year. Okay, I only mailed them today, but at least I'm trying.
Barry is working like a dog at the sign shop with my nephew. I showed up and offered to help, but they said they had it under control. So here I am. I'm getting ready to go upstairs and move the girls' bedrooms around. Should be fun. I always love moving furniture and deep cleaning. You never know what you might find...
So, I hope you are all having a great holiday season! Take care, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! Hope it's all great!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Nothing to talk about, really
I've been an absolute bore lately, and I still feel like I have nothing exciting to say. School has been good, but it will be good to have it over in 2 more weeks. I've had to miss so many of the girls' basketball games, and I will have to miss their Christmas concerts. :( I'll have to send the video camera with Barry, though. I'm so looking forward to Christmas vacation! I even plan to send out cards this year, though I haven't quite managed to start decorating yet. Totally need to get busy with that. And shopping. And exercise... Oh! On a fun note, my birthday is in a week! I love birthdays! Especially my own!
Katlin's drums and bells are coming along quite well, and I think she's a little excited and nervous about her parts in this concert. Kianna will be playing saxophone for hers, but she's still working on her bass guitar out of school and sounding great! I think she's planning on playing that for jazz band, soon!
Well, Katlin is hounding me to get off the computer so she can update the music on her ipod. Apparently she's bored with what's there.
Katlin's drums and bells are coming along quite well, and I think she's a little excited and nervous about her parts in this concert. Kianna will be playing saxophone for hers, but she's still working on her bass guitar out of school and sounding great! I think she's planning on playing that for jazz band, soon!
Well, Katlin is hounding me to get off the computer so she can update the music on her ipod. Apparently she's bored with what's there.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Hard at It!
Halelujah! Woo Hoo! Tomorrow my Spanish class is over, and then I will have soooo much time to talk to you! I'm so excited! I survived that last crazy month! I swear, I wasn't home more than a couple of days. And I totally made up for it by being a lazy bum these last five that I've had to myself. (Though I should've been studying for this final, and actually, should be right now.) Okay, I was actually busy, just with the girls' stuff, making cookies - not for us :( and watching movies. Seriously, it was some very important business!
The girls have been busy, too, with school basketball, and piano lessons. They have been fun to watch in their games. Kianna is really coming along with her bass guitar, too. She helped to lead a youth group worship service this past Sunday. She played bass, a classmate played electric guitar and another played keyboard, and one of the youth leaders played guitar, as well. They did such a good job! She is excited to learn more and is now begging for an acoustic bass guitar (one that can be played without hooking up to an amplifier - the type that you could haul to someone's house or to a campfire, that sort of thing.) We'll just have to see what Santa has in mind ;) Poor Barry... I think he might be feeling a little neglected lately. He seems a little out of sorts.
I just blew 1800 dollars on a laptop and another 200 on nursing uniforms, stethoscope, shoes - all that wonderful stuff. I even got fingerprinted today. I still have to go in and get drug tested and send in my background check. Lovely... And that sounds like just the beginning. I have a really long list of things to do. The joy!
Well, time to get back to studying... Gotta ace that test! Or at least try...
The girls have been busy, too, with school basketball, and piano lessons. They have been fun to watch in their games. Kianna is really coming along with her bass guitar, too. She helped to lead a youth group worship service this past Sunday. She played bass, a classmate played electric guitar and another played keyboard, and one of the youth leaders played guitar, as well. They did such a good job! She is excited to learn more and is now begging for an acoustic bass guitar (one that can be played without hooking up to an amplifier - the type that you could haul to someone's house or to a campfire, that sort of thing.) We'll just have to see what Santa has in mind ;) Poor Barry... I think he might be feeling a little neglected lately. He seems a little out of sorts.
I just blew 1800 dollars on a laptop and another 200 on nursing uniforms, stethoscope, shoes - all that wonderful stuff. I even got fingerprinted today. I still have to go in and get drug tested and send in my background check. Lovely... And that sounds like just the beginning. I have a really long list of things to do. The joy!
Well, time to get back to studying... Gotta ace that test! Or at least try...
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I'm soooo tired! I haven't been home a single whole day for the last 9 days until today. I'm gone again tomorrow and for the next 6 days for Guards (3 day weekend drill) and then back to school. Ugh... and I'm feeling a little run down, which is also why I haven't been posting lately. School is going well, but it's keeping me on the run. Next week is my last week for Spanish; it's a four credit course and we've been busting our buns! It's all good though. The girls are staying busy with basketball. I got to go watch them at practice this afternoon for a bit, and they are so cute. I haven't seen a game, yet, but I should have a free weekend coming up here after this weekend. I was bummed, too, 'cause I had night classes on Halloween and totally didn't get to see them in costume. They had fun, though, and brought home loads of candy. Mmmmm.
It hasn't been all work, though! Last Thursday I came home to Karoke at the sign shop! Some of our friends helped Barry set it up and Kianna and Kat invited friends over for singing and dancing in costume. It was fun! Next year we might try to make it bigger (this was a test run) and make costumes mandatory! I will try to post some pictures soon!
Anyway, it's super late, I'm super tired, and I'm so going to bed now. Hope you are all well!
It hasn't been all work, though! Last Thursday I came home to Karoke at the sign shop! Some of our friends helped Barry set it up and Kianna and Kat invited friends over for singing and dancing in costume. It was fun! Next year we might try to make it bigger (this was a test run) and make costumes mandatory! I will try to post some pictures soon!
Anyway, it's super late, I'm super tired, and I'm so going to bed now. Hope you are all well!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Not Forgotten!
You crazies! Of course I haven't forgotten you all. And I am really sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Okay, a very long while! I've been bad. And busy. Wanna hear what's been going on? Oh, sill me.... of course you do!
School is going well. I've already had a midterm in Spanish. Yikes! And my labs are fun, too. I love looking at bacteria and molds under a microscope! We just got our unknown bacteria yesterday. I also found out yesterday I've been accepted to the Nursing Program, so Woo Hoo! I start Nursing School in January! Now it's time to get drug tested, fingerprinted, and all that other wonderful fun stuff so I can get started with that.
On Sunday I was promoted to Sergeant! So that is very exciting, and there was a neat little ceremony for the family to come up and watch. Kianna got to take off my old rank (and keep it as the oldest daughter) and Katlin got to put on my new rank. Very special. Barry forgot the camera, but the unit had pictures done and as soon as I receive them, I will try to get them to ya. And yes, it's more pay, but also more responsibility. It's all good though. I have a really great unit, which is worth a lot!
And on Tuesday, Barry and I had our 14th Wedding Anniversary! Isn't that crazy? Wow! Unfortunately I was away at school. So we're celebrating tomorrow. I think... That's the plan anyway. I picked up some king crab, shrimp, and wine, and maybe tomorrow or some time this weekend we'll have a special celebratory moment.
Kianna finished up Volleyball, and now both girls have started Basketball this week. Katlin has a drum thing going on tomorrow, and they're are both back at piano lessons again. Plus, Kianna got to go to Junior Honors Band earlier this week. I was away at school and missed their performance, though. ;( I have classes on Halloween, too. ;( Wah... so sad. She's going to be a vampire devil thing this year, and Kat is going to be a bad cheerleader. I'm talking about skull and cross bones bad! They're so cute sometimes.
Barry is sick tonight. Poor thing. He is so cute. He left work early today, but actually kept coming home off and on today for foot and neck rubs before he finally gave in and admitted he was sick. Hope he gets better soon.
Okay, there's a quick update for now. But there will be more soon! I have an EMT convention coming up and another Guard Drill soon! Hope you are all well!
School is going well. I've already had a midterm in Spanish. Yikes! And my labs are fun, too. I love looking at bacteria and molds under a microscope! We just got our unknown bacteria yesterday. I also found out yesterday I've been accepted to the Nursing Program, so Woo Hoo! I start Nursing School in January! Now it's time to get drug tested, fingerprinted, and all that other wonderful fun stuff so I can get started with that.
On Sunday I was promoted to Sergeant! So that is very exciting, and there was a neat little ceremony for the family to come up and watch. Kianna got to take off my old rank (and keep it as the oldest daughter) and Katlin got to put on my new rank. Very special. Barry forgot the camera, but the unit had pictures done and as soon as I receive them, I will try to get them to ya. And yes, it's more pay, but also more responsibility. It's all good though. I have a really great unit, which is worth a lot!
And on Tuesday, Barry and I had our 14th Wedding Anniversary! Isn't that crazy? Wow! Unfortunately I was away at school. So we're celebrating tomorrow. I think... That's the plan anyway. I picked up some king crab, shrimp, and wine, and maybe tomorrow or some time this weekend we'll have a special celebratory moment.
Kianna finished up Volleyball, and now both girls have started Basketball this week. Katlin has a drum thing going on tomorrow, and they're are both back at piano lessons again. Plus, Kianna got to go to Junior Honors Band earlier this week. I was away at school and missed their performance, though. ;( I have classes on Halloween, too. ;( Wah... so sad. She's going to be a vampire devil thing this year, and Kat is going to be a bad cheerleader. I'm talking about skull and cross bones bad! They're so cute sometimes.
Barry is sick tonight. Poor thing. He is so cute. He left work early today, but actually kept coming home off and on today for foot and neck rubs before he finally gave in and admitted he was sick. Hope he gets better soon.
Okay, there's a quick update for now. But there will be more soon! I have an EMT convention coming up and another Guard Drill soon! Hope you are all well!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The Gypsy Rose Sails Again!
The old girl is finally up and running once again! We had to throw another $500 at her, but it was well worth it! Barry and the girls went out yesterday while I stayed home, studied, and took a couple of online tests... Aced them by the way! Woo Hoo! But today I was really glad they talked me into going out with them for a bit. Got a little color, and really enjoyed watching the girls freezing their tails off while they went tubing and skiing. The water was 65 degrees. Brrr... it IS South Dakota. Anyway, it's good to have the old girl home!
But now it's back to homework. This school stuff is a lot of work! I swear! I have more homework than the girls put together times two! Whine, whine, whine...
But now it's back to homework. This school stuff is a lot of work! I swear! I have more homework than the girls put together times two! Whine, whine, whine...
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Washer is Dead
Our washing machine has finally died and I am so grateful. The pounding it has been giving my ears these past few months has thankfully ended. The new one is installed and working grandly! It's actually quiet and lovely!
Besides that, school has been keeping me crazy busy. I have no time anymore, which is why this will be incredibly short. I'm taking a full load: Spanish, Microbiology lab, Physiology lab, Biology, and Gerontology (that one is online). I enjoy school, but I forgot how much homework there is. Throw a Guards weekend onto the week, such as this past one, and I'm wiped out. I can truly say I am glad to be home again.
Now... time to get back to the books.
Oh, and guess what! So exciting! I'm being promoted to Sergeant (E-5) next month. Woo Hoo! I'm so happy.
Take care and have a great week!
Besides that, school has been keeping me crazy busy. I have no time anymore, which is why this will be incredibly short. I'm taking a full load: Spanish, Microbiology lab, Physiology lab, Biology, and Gerontology (that one is online). I enjoy school, but I forgot how much homework there is. Throw a Guards weekend onto the week, such as this past one, and I'm wiped out. I can truly say I am glad to be home again.
Now... time to get back to the books.
Oh, and guess what! So exciting! I'm being promoted to Sergeant (E-5) next month. Woo Hoo! I'm so happy.
Take care and have a great week!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Crazy Backwards Weekend!
Crazy Me came up to visit Backwards Ande this last weekend and I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time! I learned about red beers with Clamato Juice (my new favorite), pink panty drinks and chocolate cake shots - too fun! We barbecued and sang and played guitar, campfire style, but without the fire. And I learned a whole slew of new expressions. The following are some of my favorites!
"I know!" (Crazy Me owns this one. Sorry to say, but hard as I try I cannot duplicate it to her level of perfection.)
"Good Lord!" - to which I would reply "I know!" repeatedly on one rough country road.
"I've got Mad Skills" - and many more...
But I'd have to say Mount Rushmore was the funniest time of all! for more pictures, as I forgot my camera. Did you know certain pine trees smell like butterscotch? Crazy Me was a scoffer at first but is now an avid promoter, enticing complete strangers to "sniff" trees with us and to pass on this knowledge to other complete strangers. She is not shy, I can tell you that. Our fun loving meandering through the trails of Mt. Rushmore nearly wound up in disaster when we were attacked by a crazy bee with killing instints. Crazy Me is deathly allergic to bees, so after a series of fivc vicious attacks, I laid my life on the line to save Crazy Me and stomped said bee to death after Barry batted him down with my sweater... or something like that... No one was hurt... except for the bee...
Anyway, it was a wonderful weekend! Now I'm trying to get back to reality. I'm back in school and I forgot how much homework they give. Back to work! Have a great day!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Sobering Experience
Okay, sorry I haven't written lately. Okay, about last weekend. We actually didn't get to fly to Yankton, which was a bummer. I didn't even know until I showed up for drill in uniform and everyone else was dressed in "Civies" (civilian clothes for the long drive.) Anyway, drill went well, though we had to stay in a dive of a motel in Vermillion, 26 miles away, because all the good hotels had been booked up due to River Boat Days Celebrations going on in Yankton. Some of the group went to a concert Saturday night, and the other half of us stayed and drank a little and played putt putt (mini-golf). We still had fun.
It was a significant experience, however. On Saturday we met a soldier who had returned from Iraq 2 years ago, expected to die, and is currently going through an amazing recovery. His convoy was hit by an IED and he was sent forward to assist, because he had civilian paramedic skills, when he was hit by the second IED explosion. He was flown to the U.S., his wife was flown down to be with him for his last days, and that's when they realized he had some neurological activity in his brain. Thus began his slow recovery. He is blind, his skull is slightly deformed on one side of his head, and we were amazed to see him walk, not be wheeled, into the armory in full military uniform. He is an inspiration, and his wife is an absolutely amazing woman! It was a very lasting experiencing just to meet someone of that caliber, and very sobering. I thanked him and his wife for their service and sacrifices made. They have two young children. I was very happy to return home to mine!
It was a significant experience, however. On Saturday we met a soldier who had returned from Iraq 2 years ago, expected to die, and is currently going through an amazing recovery. His convoy was hit by an IED and he was sent forward to assist, because he had civilian paramedic skills, when he was hit by the second IED explosion. He was flown to the U.S., his wife was flown down to be with him for his last days, and that's when they realized he had some neurological activity in his brain. Thus began his slow recovery. He is blind, his skull is slightly deformed on one side of his head, and we were amazed to see him walk, not be wheeled, into the armory in full military uniform. He is an inspiration, and his wife is an absolutely amazing woman! It was a very lasting experiencing just to meet someone of that caliber, and very sobering. I thanked him and his wife for their service and sacrifices made. They have two young children. I was very happy to return home to mine!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Flying Away
I'm leaving first thing in the morning for a three day Guard Drill. They are flying us to Yankton on Black Hawks for drill this month, so that should be fun and exciting! It's certainly not something I get to do everyday. Our unit is a medical unit. We are Doctors, nurses, admin. personel, supply people, medics (that's me), etc. I usually get put to work on blood draws, shot station, or height/weight. I work with some really great people, so that is good. Anyway, I am looking forward to sharing news that is a little more exciting than usual with you all when I get back home.
I can't believe school starts next week! I haven't even taken the girls school shopping yet. Am I a bad mom, or what! We're going up on Tuesday... Ho Hum... In my opinion, there is just no way in the world school should start before Labor Day? Is anybody else with me on this, or am I just trying to get out of it? Speaking of which, I should probably go school shopping for myself, since I am registered for a full load. Now that I think about it, it sounds pretty exciting! I can't wait! Any good excuse to go shopping.
Ps. The Gypsy Rose is still patiently awaiting repairs. We have parts ordered, so that is a start at least. Thanks for your input on her name! I think it fits perfectly!
I can't believe school starts next week! I haven't even taken the girls school shopping yet. Am I a bad mom, or what! We're going up on Tuesday... Ho Hum... In my opinion, there is just no way in the world school should start before Labor Day? Is anybody else with me on this, or am I just trying to get out of it? Speaking of which, I should probably go school shopping for myself, since I am registered for a full load. Now that I think about it, it sounds pretty exciting! I can't wait! Any good excuse to go shopping.
Ps. The Gypsy Rose is still patiently awaiting repairs. We have parts ordered, so that is a start at least. Thanks for your input on her name! I think it fits perfectly!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Gypsy or Ruby Rose?
This last weekend was great, but frustrating. We took out the boat, or attempted to, since it didn't run. Typical, too, since it's run three times out of the six we've had it in the water. Bummer. Back to Pierre for another stab at repairs. I just know it's gonna be great once we get her going! We're naming her Gypsy Rose, or Ruby Rose, due in part to the color - pinkish purplish) Which do you like better? I think Gypsy, since she's a bit unpredictable... Anyway, our friend was there with his boat, too, and we jumped on board with him, again! Sort of a repeat of last weekend. What a nice guy! And we had a great time tubing, and skiing. Even the girls learned to ski for their first time! Yay!
Barry and I also started biking. Well, actually we just started this morning, so I'm not a hundred percent sure how long we'll stick with it, but I sure hope we do. Good workout, and I'm looking forward to the next.
Barry and I also started biking. Well, actually we just started this morning, so I'm not a hundred percent sure how long we'll stick with it, but I sure hope we do. Good workout, and I'm looking forward to the next.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
On The Road Again
Kianna and I just got back today from a three day road trip to the Vermillion and Sioux Falls area. We went to say goodbye to my baby sis, Janell, and to help her pack for her big move to El Paso, TX! She is closing the gap bt her boy, Oliver, after a long couple of years of long distance love. They met in SD 4 years ago, but his job has had him on the road these past couple of years. I am really happy for them, even though I am going to miss her lots!
Then we spent the next night with my sweet sister-in-law Lynn, and did some necessary shopping in Sioux Falls. Spent too much money...
Now that we are home, I just want to put my feet up and relax; it seems like I am always going somewhere. But I look around and there is so much to do, plus I'm feeling the need to exercise after all that fast food! - I've been a bad girl! ;)
Then we spent the next night with my sweet sister-in-law Lynn, and did some necessary shopping in Sioux Falls. Spent too much money...
Now that we are home, I just want to put my feet up and relax; it seems like I am always going somewhere. But I look around and there is so much to do, plus I'm feeling the need to exercise after all that fast food! - I've been a bad girl! ;)
Friday, August 3, 2007
It's Raining!
It's raining here today! Woo Hoo! We are long overdue! And wouldn't ya know. It waited for the day we had to haul signs. It always does!
We have company right now. My sister-in-law, Lynn, is here visiting after moving away a short while ago. It's good to see her again. Fun, fun!
Other than that, I haven't been around the house much lately. Barry has had me in the sign shop, a hot, sweaty mess of a place, for the last few days working my tail off.
Gotta run! My mother-in-law is here, and there are more relatives coming. I have a niece in a talent show here in town tonight. I couldn't talk my girls into doing it, but they are providing entertainment for the Nursing Home today, so that's a good start.
We have company right now. My sister-in-law, Lynn, is here visiting after moving away a short while ago. It's good to see her again. Fun, fun!
Other than that, I haven't been around the house much lately. Barry has had me in the sign shop, a hot, sweaty mess of a place, for the last few days working my tail off.
Gotta run! My mother-in-law is here, and there are more relatives coming. I have a niece in a talent show here in town tonight. I couldn't talk my girls into doing it, but they are providing entertainment for the Nursing Home today, so that's a good start.
Monday, July 30, 2007
White Water Rafting

Barry and Kianna had a great time white water rafting on the Arkansas River in Colorado. It is good to finally have the whole family back home again!
Our girls vs. the parents softball game and picnic was fun last night, too! The parents won, by 1 run! How we did, I don't know -maybe 'cause we were missing three of our girls due to the white water rafting trip. The parents had to bat left handed, and some of us didn't even have shoes or gloves. But we all had a lot of fun!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Spitting Seeds
The other night Barry, Kianna, and I went out to the lake for a few minutes before the sun set and we decided to have a poetry writing contest. Theirs were much better than mine, but I'd have to say I get first place for the corniest! Wanna hear?
Seeds make me happy
When I'm sitting in the sand
If I'm feeling kind of crappy
I just spit them in my hand.
Pretty bad, I know. I didn't say it was my strong point. ;) Okay, well I'm sitting here alone right now, and I have to say it seems a bit odd. It's usually the other way around: me leaving for Guard Drills, school, Basic Training, skydiving, etc. Barry and Kianna left tonight to go white water rafting in Colorado - Lucky Ducks! And Kat doesn't get home from this last camp 'til tomorrow. So, it's just me. Bored................. Sigh. I should go to bed.
Seeds make me happy
When I'm sitting in the sand
If I'm feeling kind of crappy
I just spit them in my hand.
Pretty bad, I know. I didn't say it was my strong point. ;) Okay, well I'm sitting here alone right now, and I have to say it seems a bit odd. It's usually the other way around: me leaving for Guard Drills, school, Basic Training, skydiving, etc. Barry and Kianna left tonight to go white water rafting in Colorado - Lucky Ducks! And Kat doesn't get home from this last camp 'til tomorrow. So, it's just me. Bored................. Sigh. I should go to bed.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Top Shot!

This is our bullseye hitter! She won the shooting contest out of 114 kids, ages 10-13, by literally shooting out the bullseye on the target at camp. She hit 10 tens for a score of 100. Who knew? I'm going to have to sign up for lessons. And yes, she had a blast at camp! I think she is still glowing!!! I can't believe she is already gone again - this time at a Christian Bible camp in the Black Hills with my niece's daughter.
Kianna has been busy, as well. Well actually this entire week has been nuts. But she went to a high school volleyball tournament last week, where they totally lost, had fun, and learned a ton. The next three days she'll spend at a volleyball camp hosted here in town.
And finally, we had our final game last night, and once again won all three! This is a new thing for us, winning against Kadoka, so we are Psyched! The last one was close. We gave up eleven runs in one inning and came back to win 21:20. Kat pitched the first game, and Ki pitched the next one, and the last half of the last game. The girls were all awesome; way to go team! I had so much fun, I think I just may do it again next year!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Bee Happy
Woo Hoo, we won! Our girls had three games with Kadoka here in town last night and they won all three! Way to go girls! (especially after the last time when we got killed.) Our season is almost over, with one game to go and then our Girls vs. the Parents game. Although it has been a fun, rewarding experience coaching the girls this year, I am looking forward to having my evenings and weekends to myself once again!
Today I am back to working on my books. Blah, blah, blah! And I must say, I would rather be at camp! Both of the girls are gone now. Kianna is at a Volleyball tournament in the Black Hills today and tomorrow, while Katlin is finishing up her National Guard Youth Leadership Camp. I hope she is having fun. She seems so little at times.
If any of you would take a moment, I have a girlfriend who is getting going with a blog of her own, and I must say, she is better at keeping her site up to date than I am. I know I loved you all for checking out mine!
Wow, back to work, I guess...
Today I am back to working on my books. Blah, blah, blah! And I must say, I would rather be at camp! Both of the girls are gone now. Kianna is at a Volleyball tournament in the Black Hills today and tomorrow, while Katlin is finishing up her National Guard Youth Leadership Camp. I hope she is having fun. She seems so little at times.
If any of you would take a moment, I have a girlfriend who is getting going with a blog of her own, and I must say, she is better at keeping her site up to date than I am. I know I loved you all for checking out mine!
Wow, back to work, I guess...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Here We Go Again!
We just picked up Kianna from camp yesterday. Hard to believe my little Katlin leaves for another camp tomorrow. I'm gonna miss her! This one is a National Guard sponsored Youth Leadership Camp. They get to participate in the Lighting Ceremony at Mt. Rushmore, and visit Reptile Gardens, Crazy Horse Monument, and swim at Evan's Plunge (Natural Warm Spring Water that is an self filtering indoor swimming pool with slides, rings, a wave maker, and so much more), plus hiking, archery, shooting, canoeing. I am so jealous! Then she'll come home for a weekend and leave for bible camp. Lucky girls! Kianna has a Volleyball camp next week as well. Wish I were little!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
"Living the Dream, Loving the Dream"
My husband said this the other day, and I think it is befitting of how we are feeling, living right now. Self-employment does have its advantages at times, and I am grateful to have him back again. He's always been able to attend all of our daugthers' events, and that in itself is a dream! We live in a huge old church, and though it's still not finished it has the potential to one day be amazing. And we paint signs/artwork for a living. How fun is that? I'm feeling happy right now. Wish I didn't have to get back to work on my taxes! UGH! Why do I despise bookwork?
Kianna gets back from camp tomorrow only for Katlin to leave again on Monday. Gotta love camps! They are so lucky! I want to go to camp...
Kianna gets back from camp tomorrow only for Katlin to leave again on Monday. Gotta love camps! They are so lucky! I want to go to camp...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
To Move or Not to Move? Not!

Here is our girl a few days after she got hit in the eye practicing fast pitch with a friend (last week). Wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, but the first day it was swollen around her eye. Should've got a pic then. Right now she is at camp, and we missed her terribly at our fast pitch game last night in Kadoka. We got killed! Our other pitcher did a good job, but she threw perfect pitches, the kind that every batter can get a real hit on! And they did, everytime... right to our little 10 year olds covering the outfield. Needless to say, they scored big! 20:2 (okay, we were short handed; we were missing 4 of our older girls, which is why we played the little ones. They had fun, though, and learned lots!) Our slow pitch was good though. Katlin pitched that game and did a great job. 5:2; we won! Woo Hoo!
Okay, time for the big news! Are you ready? Things changed a bit yesterday when Barry and the Hustead brothers sat down to go over some figures on cost for remodeling pole barns/equipment needed, etc. and they have decided they aren’t ready for Barry to move just yet. (I think they weren't prepared for the costs involved on top of Barry's salary.) Therefore, we are going to continue to do their signs, but from our own shop, at least for now. Perhaps we’ll try again next year, but I have a feeling not. So we won’t be selling either place as of yet. Strange how after 17 years of self-employment and one week of work, Bary is once again self-employed. Ha! And yay! It gives us a little more time to finish our house and our sign shop remodel projects! They have been extensive.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The opposite of content is discontent, so what is the opposite of disgruntled?
Disgruntled: This is a word we use frequently in our househould, but when it came up this morning, it also brought about the above question. The English language is so strange, at times (don't get me wrong, it's also wonderfully versatile!)
I am a little bummed about something else, however. We had to cancel our softball game in Kadoka tonight due to the heat. It's supposed to be 111 degrees by 5 p.m. Crazy hot! Plus with the electrical storm activity that is also predicted, we thought it would be best to call the game. Feels like it's about time to jump in a lake!
Disgruntled: This is a word we use frequently in our househould, but when it came up this morning, it also brought about the above question. The English language is so strange, at times (don't get me wrong, it's also wonderfully versatile!)
I am a little bummed about something else, however. We had to cancel our softball game in Kadoka tonight due to the heat. It's supposed to be 111 degrees by 5 p.m. Crazy hot! Plus with the electrical storm activity that is also predicted, we thought it would be best to call the game. Feels like it's about time to jump in a lake!
Friday, July 6, 2007
A Golden Time Gone?
I am missing my hon. Barry's first work week is almost up and he's still going at it, but I didn't expect to miss him so much. I sort of thought I would enjoy having a little time to myself, since we used to do everything together 24/7 - seriously, we're together almost daily, except when I'm at Guards for the past 14 years now. As for me, it's just been paperwork and cleaning the entire week. Not my favorite thing. Ugh!
Today I am paying bills and working on my taxes. What fun! Not! It's starting to hit me that we had been living in a golden moment; everything is going to be so different with me in school this Fall, him working regular hours, and the girls back in school. The girls even asked him when they would be able to come with him to work. :( I think we all took it for granted that we could come and go as we pleased. Anyway, it's going well enough; it's just so different. We'll have to give it some time, and we'll all adjust, I am sure, right?
Today I am paying bills and working on my taxes. What fun! Not! It's starting to hit me that we had been living in a golden moment; everything is going to be so different with me in school this Fall, him working regular hours, and the girls back in school. The girls even asked him when they would be able to come with him to work. :( I think we all took it for granted that we could come and go as we pleased. Anyway, it's going well enough; it's just so different. We'll have to give it some time, and we'll all adjust, I am sure, right?
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Second Day on the Job
Well, today is day two for Barry at his new job. I think he is a bit on overload these days. It doesn't help that he showed up during Wall Drug's busiest two weeks of the year. One of the owners asked him if he "could hit the ground running even though there is no one there to tell him what to do." Barry said "sure, but if you see me running in circles, feel free to reach out and grab an arm, straighten me out, and send me on my way again." Too funny! I hope he likes it there. He's been self-employed for 17 years, so this is a huge change! And I think I'm going to miss working with him every day. Who would have thought?
The scrimmage went well the other night. Kianna fast pitched four innings and did very well. She looks good out there and was consistent. Plus, we won, so that makes it fun for everyone. We didn't let the girls steal bases, yet, but they start doing that the next game. Woo Hoo! This is a new thing for the area. We're the only region in the state that still does slow pitch, so it may take a while for this change to take a good hold. Plus, it will open up opportunities for girls for college and scholarships, etc. Katlin got to play since we were short one of our older girls, and she even got on base a couple of times. Oh! Poor Ki! She was working at it last night with one of the other girls and got nailed in the cheek. Today she has a swollen, black eye.
The scrimmage went well the other night. Kianna fast pitched four innings and did very well. She looks good out there and was consistent. Plus, we won, so that makes it fun for everyone. We didn't let the girls steal bases, yet, but they start doing that the next game. Woo Hoo! This is a new thing for the area. We're the only region in the state that still does slow pitch, so it may take a while for this change to take a good hold. Plus, it will open up opportunities for girls for college and scholarships, etc. Katlin got to play since we were short one of our older girls, and she even got on base a couple of times. Oh! Poor Ki! She was working at it last night with one of the other girls and got nailed in the cheek. Today she has a swollen, black eye.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Getting Away for a Moment
Hello, hello!
Thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to visit my blog. I promise I am getting to yours. We've been running around like crazy, so I'll soon be finding the time!
Last night we went to a friend's wedding in Deadwood, gambling capital of South Dakota, which was a nice get away for us. I didn't want to leave the Black Hills. It smelled like pine trees and fresh mountain air. Yummy! It was hard to come back to all of the chaos when everything seemed so serence and perfect in 'The Hills.' Deadwood is filled with great history and entertainment. I've included a link. (though I can't quite figure out how to make it active for ya.)
I coach girls softball, and tonight is our first fast pitch 'scrimmage' against another team. We've alwasy been a slow pitch team, so this is a new and exciting change for us. Kianna will be pitching tonight! Should be fun.
Afterwards we're out to Lake Waggoner for a fireworks display, put on every year by our own local volunteer fire department, and they do a fantastic job!
Barry start his new job tomorrow. I am excited and a little bit nervous for him. This is a completely new position at Wall Drug and they are creating it as they go. Plus, they are way behind in signs right now, so he is going to be swamped with that as well as getting his building built to shop specifications, getting supplies in, and so much more! I'm a little nervous, too, 'cause we still haven't found a place to live in Wall, yet. I'm sure it will all work out, though. I am an optomist. Here is a link to Wall Drug, the place he will be working for. The first picture you will see is of an actual sign we painted on location, on the interstate.
Thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to visit my blog. I promise I am getting to yours. We've been running around like crazy, so I'll soon be finding the time!
Last night we went to a friend's wedding in Deadwood, gambling capital of South Dakota, which was a nice get away for us. I didn't want to leave the Black Hills. It smelled like pine trees and fresh mountain air. Yummy! It was hard to come back to all of the chaos when everything seemed so serence and perfect in 'The Hills.' Deadwood is filled with great history and entertainment. I've included a link. (though I can't quite figure out how to make it active for ya.)
I coach girls softball, and tonight is our first fast pitch 'scrimmage' against another team. We've alwasy been a slow pitch team, so this is a new and exciting change for us. Kianna will be pitching tonight! Should be fun.
Afterwards we're out to Lake Waggoner for a fireworks display, put on every year by our own local volunteer fire department, and they do a fantastic job!
Barry start his new job tomorrow. I am excited and a little bit nervous for him. This is a completely new position at Wall Drug and they are creating it as they go. Plus, they are way behind in signs right now, so he is going to be swamped with that as well as getting his building built to shop specifications, getting supplies in, and so much more! I'm a little nervous, too, 'cause we still haven't found a place to live in Wall, yet. I'm sure it will all work out, though. I am an optomist. Here is a link to Wall Drug, the place he will be working for. The first picture you will see is of an actual sign we painted on location, on the interstate.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Ande spelled backwards
Hi there,
Well, this is a serious first for me! My own blog! And what fun it has been in setting up. I'll try to do more as time allows, but this is going to be a crazy busy summer with us moving to Wall. Yes! We ARE moving, and yes, it IS only to Wall - a mere 26 miles away. That's our sad story. Should be fun!
Well, this is a serious first for me! My own blog! And what fun it has been in setting up. I'll try to do more as time allows, but this is going to be a crazy busy summer with us moving to Wall. Yes! We ARE moving, and yes, it IS only to Wall - a mere 26 miles away. That's our sad story. Should be fun!
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